
How Will Mikati Manage the Phase?

How Will Mikati Manage the Phase?

Starting yesterday, the government has become a "caretaker government" until a new government is formed. There are no signs in sight regarding the duration for which the government will continue in this caretaker role, and the general political atmosphere indicates a sharp division intensified by the election results, which complicates the governmental situation. Prime Minister Najib Mikati spent ten months in a caretaker phase following the resignation of his second government on March 22, 2013, until the formation of President Tammam Salam's government on February 15, 2014. However, the current economic, social, and financial reality in the country necessitates a different approach this time, which the Prime Minister has outlined in advance, albeit without revealing details yet. According to information reported by "Al-Jumhuriya," it is clear that Mikati, who in his speech last Friday called for expediting the necessary steps to name the new Prime Minister and form a new government as soon as possible, will manage the phase from a perspective of "national interest Raison d'Etat" and will take all appropriate steps at the times he deems suitable. Mikati is expected to issue a circular calling for adherence to the provisions of Article 64 of the Constitution regarding the caretaker government's operations, following the acknowledgment of the government's resignation.

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