5 Ways to Practice Relaxation

British psychologist Richard Templar has outlined several steps to assist with relaxation.

**Staying Present**

Richard advises avoiding anxiety about the future and focusing on the present, engaging in activities such as yoga and meditation that provide a sense of relaxation and enjoyment.


According to Richard, a simple change in thinking can reduce stress. For example, when faced with an important appointment, there are two options: either be late and stressed or be late and avoid stress. Choosing to be late while staying relaxed is better and provides comfort.

**Proper Breathing**

Richard states that breathing improves mental and physical well-being. Therefore, trying breathing techniques can help to reduce stress and fatigue as they promote quick relaxation.


The expert recommends practicing finding the right vocabulary to alleviate stress rather than aggravating it.

**Taking Your Time**

Richard suggests taking your time and prioritizing tasks, starting with the most important ones. Completing one task before moving on to the next gradually reduces stress and helps perform tasks more consciously and in an organized manner.

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