
Interior Minister from the Operations Room of the Foreign Ministry: A Lebanese Festival Abroad

Interior Minister from the Operations Room of the Foreign Ministry: A Lebanese Festival Abroad

Interior and Municipalities Minister Bassam Mawlawi confirmed after inspecting the operations room to monitor the voting of Lebanese abroad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "what is happening today is a Lebanese festival abroad. We have fulfilled our promises and prepared for the elections in a good way, better than the circumstances we are living in. The indicators are very good; we have not seen any boycott of the elections, turnout is high, and the rates of participation are elevated. The lists are numbered, and there are no other copies that anyone can receive, and the head of the polling place will hand over the numbered copies at the end of the day."

In response to a question about what happened in Germany, Mawlawi clarified that "what happened will be recorded in the voting minutes and we will address it. The papers are not considered invalid. I contacted Ambassador Adib in Berlin and confirmed that the lists are available with him, especially for Beirut II. There is no significant mark, just hair-like strands from the fabric of the paper."

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