
The Formation Movement... Does it Conceal Intentions to Delay the Presidential Elections?

The Formation Movement... Does it Conceal Intentions to Delay the Presidential Elections?

Sources accompanying the meeting between President Michel Aoun and the designated Prime Minister Najib Mikati expressed serious concerns regarding the potential cancellation of the presidential election. They questioned through "Al-Anbaa" electronic news about "the reason behind this sudden awakening to form the government after a break in communication between the two presidents, and the accompanying campaigns and mutual accusations between the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Deputy Gibran Bassil, and the designated prime minister, reaching the point of insults and personal accusations. How did things turn around overnight?" The sources warned of "ill intentions to undermine the presidential election and prevent Aoun from leaving Baabda under the pretext of a presidential vacancy, leading the country's situation to worsen." They noted President Aoun's remarks to the judicial body calling on judges to rise against political interventions in their work, without mentioning the halt in the investigation into the port explosion and the freeze on judicial appointments.

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