
Title: Navalny's Wife Spends 3 Days with Him in Prison

Title: Navalny's Wife Spends 3 Days with Him in Prison

Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, who is imprisoned in a detention camp in Russia, received a visit from his wife, Yulia Navalnaya, who was allowed to stay with him for three days. Navalnaya (45 years old) wrote on her Instagram account after the visit, "I spent some time in prison. It was really great!" and accompanied the post with a picture of herself. She described her meeting with her husband by saying, "They brought me a thin, dark-skinned man who was smiling and wearing a prison suit." She mentioned that they spent that time together in a visiting room equipped with a kitchen.

Navalnaya expressed her surprise that no one attempted to prevent her from accessing her husband. She described the prison, saying: "Everything is very decent in the Pokrov penal camp, and it resembles a two-star hotel, with even paintings on the walls." The prison is located about 100 kilometers east of Moscow. Navalny (45 years old) has spent several months in prison so far, having been arrested at Moscow airport in mid-January upon returning from Germany. He was shortly thereafter sentenced to several years in a penal camp.

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