
The Shepherd: It's Time for the Lebanese People to Wake Up

The Shepherd: It's Time for the Lebanese People to Wake Up

Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi confirmed in his Sunday sermon that "it is time for the Lebanese people to wake up," calling on all citizens to participate in voting as it is a moment of change. He continued: "When citizens elect, they are entrusting their fate to those they choose, and no one hopes for good governance if their choice is poor." Al-Rahi pointed out that "the voters abroad appeared frustrated because they left Lebanon, and we noticed that they are young; does the political community understand which Lebanese have been displaced?" He praised the government's role and the efforts of the missions in managing the electoral process well. Regarding the issue of the Lebanese University, he said: "It pains us to see the Lebanese University struggling due to the negligence of the political authority. It is necessary to facilitate the appointment of deans, and for the companies that held onto the PCR funds to hand them over to the university administration in cash dollars for its development and to fairly compensate its teachers."

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