
Geagea: A Bright Image Presented by Lebanese Expatriates

Geagea: A Bright Image Presented by Lebanese Expatriates

A statement was issued by the President of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, stating: Lebanese expatriates presented a bright image of their deep commitment to Lebanon, their attachment to the fate of their country, and their eagerness to fulfill their role just like resident citizens. By voting and showing enthusiasm, they nullified all attempts to prevent them from participating in the election of all members of Parliament without exception. This is what we have fought for over many years, overcoming all obstacles aimed at preventing expatriates from expressing their opinions, exercising their right to hold accountable, and electing representatives who reflect their views and convictions.

I would like to thank, first and foremost, the fighters in the Lebanese Forces party for their work, organization, and constant defense of the Lebanese cause wherever they may be. I also extend my gratitude to everyone who registered and voted, enduring the hardships of distance and time because of their belief in Lebanon and the conviction that nothing is more precious than the homeland, and that change can only be achieved through the will of both resident and expatriate Lebanese.

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