
Sheikhdom of the Druze Community: Engaging with the Electoral Entitlement without Challenges or Confrontations

Sheikhdom of the Druze Community: Engaging with the Electoral Entitlement without Challenges or Confrontations

The media office of the Sheikhdom of the Druze community issued a clarifying statement regarding participation in the electoral entitlement, confirming that "the position of the Sheikhdom of the Druze is that voting is a legitimate right for citizens, which they perform freely and wisely to choose whom they see as best, based on their understanding of reality and as an expression of their genuine belonging. In this context, the Sheikhdom calls upon the esteemed community members to engage with this national entitlement with all respect, calmness, and high morality, without any challenges or confrontations, as every citizen has the right and freedom, and it should not be restricted except by moral and legal standards."

The statement added, "As for discussions about religious measures taken against voters among our pious brothers and sisters, this matter is not on the table for the Sheikhdom, which affirms the path it has followed for a long time, aligning with the approach of the righteous predecessors among esteemed scholars in this regard. While urging the responsible officials in councils and religious meetings to follow the same course and grant people freedom without any embarrassment, the Sheikhdom hopes all will adhere to social etiquette and avoid futile arguments, insults, and conflicts as long as the national arena accommodates everyone and given that we are all part of one unifying family, committed to its unity, dignity, and significant national presence."

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