
Communications Between Mikati and Macron's Advisors to Curb the Collapse

Communications Between Mikati and Macron's Advisors to Curb the Collapse

Information indicates that there have been communications between Prime Minister Najib Mikati and senior advisors close to French President Emmanuel Macron. Additionally, more than one Lebanese official has taken action due to concerns about a potential security upheaval that could lead not only to chaos but also to much worse incidents, including attacks, violations, public unrest, and vandalism. These sentiments reached more than one political, security, and economic official, according to "Al-Liwaa."

However, there is also confirmed information that Lebanon's central bank governor, Riad Salameh, played a role in preventing the collapse of the national currency through high-level interventions and consultations with deputy governors and various local and international financial institutions. Salameh understands that there is a political game at play, not aimed at his downfall, but rather at undermining the country. On this basis, his international communications contributed to calming public unrest and reducing political tension.

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