
Title: Elysee: Putin and Biden Agree to Hold Summit on Ukraine Based on Macron's Proposal

Title: Elysee: Putin and Biden Agree to Hold Summit on Ukraine Based on Macron's Proposal

The Elysee Palace announced late Sunday/early Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden have "agreed in principle" to meet for a summit proposed by their French counterpart Emmanuel Macron. The French presidency added that the summit between Putin and Biden will take place unless Russia invades Ukraine. The statement noted that the summit would later be expanded to include "all concerned parties" to discuss issues of "security and strategic stability in Europe." Macron spoke with Putin for an hour on Sunday evening about Ukraine, marking their second conversation on the same day after also speaking with US President Joe Biden, according to the Elysee. This comes as part of a series of talks among heads of state in an effort to avoid armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.

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