
Support for Tourism: 22 Hours of Electricity in These Areas

Support for Tourism: 22 Hours of Electricity in These Areas

The Byblos Electric Contracting Company, affiliated with the Jbeil Electricity Franchise, announced in a statement that starting next Tuesday, the 21st of this month, and in celebration of the arrival of summer, in support of the tourism program of the Minister of Tourism in the caretaker government, Engineer Walid Nassar, titled "Welcome to This View," as well as in alignment with the requests of municipalities and coordination with them, electricity will be provided through generators for 22 hours out of 24 each day. The only cut will be from 3:30 AM to 5:30 AM, and the reduction in electricity supply provided by the Electricité du Liban will be counted against the hours of cuts.

The institution requested all its subscribers to "adopt self-rationing to save on bills according to the financial capabilities of each subscriber."

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