# How to Get Rid of Stress and Tension?

Our lives are filled with many stressful moments due to various situations we encounter daily, which can lead to stress that may disrupt the nervous system. In this context, the website "Metro" provides a set of tips for regulating the nervous system to help alleviate stress and tension as follows:

**Bilateral Stimulation**

When feeling stressed, all your mental energy is directed to one area of your brain, the amygdala, which is designed to keep you alive and safe in threatening situations. As a result, the lower right hemisphere of your brain experiences an increase in brain wave frequency. You can calm your mind by focusing slightly and redistributing your energy. Hold something and move it slowly from side to side, following it with your eyes. You can also search for videos on the sensory-motor response that includes hand movements. This redirects nerve energy and stimulates both sides of your brain. Many people find this so soothing that they fall asleep, making it a great solution for anxiety-related insomnia as well.

**Morning Sun Exposure**

One of the best ways to keep your nervous system healthy is to regulate your circadian rhythm, also known as your body's sleep-wake cycle. Besides the usual advice: go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and avoid your phone a few hours before sleep, try to expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. This signals that it’s time to start "wake mode" and helps maintain the nervous system's proper functioning. Morning sun exposure also encourages deep sleep; the better your sleep, the more balanced your nervous system will be throughout the day.

**Vitamin B**

Every nerve in your body is protected by a layer called the myelin sheath. Degraded myelin sheaths have been linked to neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease. Even when not severe, worn-out sheaths can affect the overall performance and health of your nervous system. You can help your nerves stay healthy by ensuring you get the required amount of B vitamins. Folic acid, in particular, protects nerves from chemicals that can cause damage. To increase your folic acid intake, try incorporating more spinach, pomegranates, and beets into your diet. Additionally, vitamins B1, B6, and B12 assist in synthesizing neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which play a crucial role in nervous system function and relieving depression and anxiety.

**Cold Water Exposure**

One way to teach your body to feel safe in a wide range of stressful situations is through cold exposure. Cold activates the arousal state, and when we consciously teach our bodies to relax in moments far from tension, we make our nervous systems more resilient. Don't worry; you don't have to take cold showers daily to reap the benefits—you can simply wash your hands or splash your face with cold water.

**Digital Detox**

Unrestricted access to social media constantly keeps your nervous system open to external influences, whether it's a notification from an annoying person or distressing news. By consciously choosing when to check your notifications or consuming certain types of content, you prevent your nervous system from collapsing due to these external influences at any moment. Try turning off notifications to reduce stress caused by them and consider unfollowing or muting any accounts that drain your energy.

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