The German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Neurology announced that Compulsive Hoarding Syndrome refers to the excessive accumulation and hoarding of old and worn items such as newspapers, magazines, bags, old devices, tools, and empty containers, along with significant difficulty in deciding to dispose of unnecessary items, leading to clutter in living spaces. The association explained that the causes of this syndrome include personality flaws such as indecision and confusion in decision-making, as well as psychological disorders like pathological anxiety and depression. It is often associated with alcohol addiction and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
The association pointed out that the treatment for Compulsive Hoarding Syndrome includes psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy, where the therapist inquires about the primary reasons that compel the patient to hoard these items. The therapist also assists the patient in learning methods for organizing and categorizing items to prevent them from taking up excessive space, making decisions, and handling belongings. Additionally, the therapist's responsibilities include visiting the patient's home periodically to help remove clutter and ensuring that the patient learns ways to maintain known healthy habits while guiding them in practicing relaxation techniques. Medication, such as antidepressants, may also be considered.