
Cell Phone Employees Suspend Strike

Cell Phone Employees Suspend Strike

The Council of the Union of Employees and Workers of the companies operating in the mobile sector in Lebanon announced the suspension of the strike and the immediate return to work, following the government's approval of a rescue plan for the telecommunications sector.

In a message addressed to the employees of the Alfa and Touch companies, the union stated: "The approval of the rescue plan for the telecommunications sector by the Council of Ministers, which we have long advocated for, is considered a protection for the telecommunications sector and its continuity, and thus ensures the continuity of employees' work and the preservation of their rights. Based on these developments, discussions were held with the managements of Alfa and Touch companies, which committed to implementing the provisions of the collective labor contract, especially with regard to the commitments for the year 2020 starting from the beginning of next month."

Additionally, the union met with the Minister of Telecommunications Johnny Karam, who confirmed his commitment to the rights and entitlements of the employees.

The union will hold intensive meetings with the managements of both companies and the ministry next week to coordinate the mechanism for implementing the obligations owed to the employees.

Based on all of the above, the union decided to suspend the strike and return to work immediately.

The union thanked the employees for "their efforts, steadfastness, and trust in it to achieve their rights and maintain their gains."

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