
Black Sea Attack: Russian Forces Kill 13 Ukrainians on Island

Black Sea Attack: Russian Forces Kill 13 Ukrainians on Island

Ukrainian media reported that all border guards on the small Ukrainian island of "Snake," also known as "Zmiinyi," off the southeastern coast of Ukraine, were killed following an attack by Russian forces launched from two ships. The 13 border guards stationed on the island faced off against two Russian warships that opened fire on them. A video showed an audio recording of a Russian warship calling on the Ukrainian soldiers to surrender to avoid being killed. However, the soldiers could be heard in the recording confirming their refusal to surrender, with one of them cursing at the Russian ship, according to the American newspaper "New York Post." Nonetheless, the Russian naval forces opened fire, killing the 13 Ukrainian soldiers who tried to resist in vain. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that at least 137 Ukrainians were killed on Thursday, the first day of the Russian attack on their country. Zelensky stated, "On our island of Zmiinyi, all of our border guards died as heroes, defending themselves until the end. But they did not surrender," as reported by "AFP." He confirmed that the fallen border guards on the island would be awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine" for their honorable defense, adding, "May the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for Ukraine live on forever."

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