
This is What Happened: First Testimony from a Colleague of the Slain Journalist in Kyiv

This is What Happened: First Testimony from a Colleague of the Slain Journalist in Kyiv

An American journalist wounded today alongside Brent Renaud in the same incident in Kyiv revealed some details about what transpired. The American journalist, "Wayne," explained that a team of journalists was inside one vehicle when they came under heavy gunfire on Sunday in a suburb of Kyiv. He disclosed that the vehicle was traveling towards a bridge to document the plight of those fleeing the area when it reached an intersection and was targeted by intense gunfire.

He continued, stating that the driver had no choice but to drive away from the shooting to avoid injury. Wayne confirmed that his friend Brent Renaud was shot in the neck at that moment, unaware that he had succumbed to his injuries. He also added that he was taken to the hospital after the incident for treatment, without knowing who had transported him.

The Ukrainian authorities announced the killing of American journalist Brent Renaud by Russian forces in the town of Irpin near the capital Kyiv. Videos and photos of the incident spread on social media, one showing the slain journalist in a pool of his own blood, while another video depicted Wayne on a hospital stretcher.

According to information released by Ukrainian authorities, the head of the Kyiv police, Andriy Nebitov, accused Russian forces of opening fire on a vehicle carrying foreign journalists, which resulted in Renaud's death and injuries to others.

It is worth noting that convoys of Russian vehicles and troops have encircled areas in the northwest and east of Kyiv for about two weeks. As of now, only the roads to the south remain open, while the capital is increasingly surrounded by Russian soldiers, who destroyed the Vasilkiv airport on Saturday. The northwestern suburbs (Irpin and Bucha) have experienced heavy shelling in recent days.

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