
General Yahya Rasul: Security Forces Are Working Hard to Secure the Border with Syria

General Yahya Rasul: Security Forces Are Working Hard to Secure the Border with Syria

The spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General Yahya Rasul, confirmed that the security forces are working diligently and consistently, highlighting that there are ongoing follow-ups and directives to secure the border with Syria.

Iraqi News Agency reported today that Rasul explained that security forces focus their preemptive operations on areas in northeastern Syria, as these regions do not host regular Syrian army forces but rather many terrorist groups. He added that fortification and border control efforts are significantly underway with Syria to pursue the remaining elements of some terrorist groups and their remnants in Iraqi territory, indicating that there are a few hidden and defeated terrorist elements, and preemptive operations by security forces have yielded positive results in pursuing them.

In the same context, the spokesperson for the Joint Operations, General Tahseen al-Khafaji, confirmed that military fortifications along the Iraqi-Syrian border prevent the entry of "ISIS terrorist" groups into Iraqi territory, clarifying that the border strip has been reinforced and secured. He emphasized that "ISIS" groups cannot breach it or approach the Iraqi borders, and no space has been given for their movement along a length of 610 kilometers, following significant border security measures.

The Joint Operations Command has confirmed the coordination between the Syrian and Iraqi sides to prevent the movement of terrorists and secure the borders of both countries. Previously, the spokesperson for the Joint Operations Command, General Tahseen al-Khafaji, announced that the Iraqi-Syrian border, which spans 610 kilometers, is mostly fully secured, pointing out that significant efforts are being made by the Ministries of Defense and Interior, as well as the Popular Mobilization Forces. He also noted that there is complete equipment provided by the Ministry of Water Resources to dig a trench in its final stages, as well as the placement of earth barriers and PRC fencing, in addition to the contribution of the international coalition in supplying many materials that will be positioned along the border.

Al-Khafaji added at that time that there is extensive work being done by the Joint Operations Command in cooperation with the international coalition to install towers of substantial material and operational value, equipped with modern devices and equipment that provide capabilities enabling control over many activities carried out by terrorists.

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