
Change Deputies: We Are United... What Kind of Government Do They Want?

Change Deputies: We Are United... What Kind of Government Do They Want?

The situation regarding the government formation remains unclear despite the completion of the parliamentary deadline with the election of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and the bureau. What President Michel Aoun expected in this regard to determine the date for mandatory parliamentary consultations is still pending. It appears that forming a government after the parliamentary elections and the results it yielded will be challenging and intricate due to the scattered and confused state of the parliament, especially among sovereign forces. The selection of the Prime Minister will prove to be one of the most difficult tasks compared to previous instances, given the lack of a significant majority and the absence of a functional and influential Sunni political reference on one hand, and the unclear regional and international context on the other.

Deputy of the Change Forces, Wadih Sadiq, tells "Al-Markazia": "Contrary to the promoted notion of fragmentation and confusion, the forces of change were a cohesive bloc in the parliament yesterday, as evidenced by their unified voice and singular paper that bore the word 'justice' for the martyrs of the port, but, to be honest, we, and the Lebanese Forces, are not in a single bloc or coalition. We might converge on many issues, as was evident in the voting for Ghassan Skaf."

Regarding whether President Michel Aoun will soon call for parliamentary consultations for the assignment, he said: "I don't think so. They seem to be continuing today the game they adopted in the council elections, aiming to gather as much consensus as possible around the person they will designate to head the government. From our side, we are looking for a Prime Minister for a rescue government with a clear revival program, regardless of the name. We want a government of specialists, far from politicians and their representatives and the slogans of national unity that have led the country to disaster. Our priority is for a cohesive government that works as a team for reform, focusing primarily on the judiciary, and then developing a rescue economic program, as revival is impossible without it."

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