
Geagea: "We Need a Strong President"


Once again, the leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, reaffirmed the qualities needed in the next president, stating: "We want a president of challenge, not in a personal sense, but if we do not elect a president who challenges the policies of Bassil and Hezbollah, how will we achieve salvation? "First of all, he needs to be a strong man" and must possess sovereignty." Geagea emphasized that "all opposition factions have a significant responsibility; otherwise, why did they contest the elections and promise the people salvation? For this reason, we must all agree to find a new president because 'the old one brought us to hell and will only take us deeper in.'” He added, "I look positively at the meetings held in Parliament among those who uphold sovereignty, as long as we arrive at a new name away from all previous names. Others have their ideologies and beliefs, so how can we reach an understanding with them? The deputy, group of deputies, or party that undermines the opposition's agreement to elect a new president will be a true traitor to his country."

Geagea pointed out that "if we fail to reach an understanding with the independents and change-makers, the failure lies with us. In certain circumstances, it may be possible to postpone the presidential election session, but not to disrupt it. However, this is an exceptional matter in a specific situation. Our main and actual direction is to prepare for the election of a president," stressing that "we need a president capable of salvation who contradicts all current policies, and 'this is not a strong president – this is the weakest president in Lebanon's history.'"

He noted that "specific policies led by Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement's deputies are what brought the country to its current state, and we want a president who opposes these policies and does not yield to them. We have reached a stage where diplomatic rhetoric is no longer adequate; otherwise, we are truly betraying the people. What is the result of the consensual governments formed so far except for the poor state we find ourselves in?"

Geagea also stated, "Any agreement with Hezbollah and its allies concerning any president means we are heading from bad to worse, and they are 'baking in joy.' He confirmed that "neither President Aoun nor any other president can remain in the Baabda Palace after the end of their term."

Regarding the relationship with the Progressive Socialist Party, Geagea said: "We are friends, but on the issue of the presidency, we do not meet. Jumblatt has his policies, and we have ours, as we consider discussions with Hezbollah regarding the presidency to be a return to square one." He added, "Jumblatt is not in Hezbollah's embrace; he has never been in anyone's embrace." He stated that his recent actions do not seem to yield any results, thus our communications with the Socialist Party continue.

He also remarked, "What victories is Hezbollah speaking of, and who is the strongest link in the region? They should be ashamed because Lebanon has become the strongest link in the smuggling of Captagon, and the Lebanese are rummaging through garbage to eat."

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