
Ambiguity Surrounds Upcoming Elections, and the Dollar Breaks Through Fiery Thresholds

Ambiguity Surrounds Upcoming Elections, and the Dollar Breaks Through Fiery Thresholds

Amidst the atmosphere of procrastination, political maneuvers, and the escalating ambiguity enveloping the fate of all internal elections—whether related to the suddenly awakened governmental entitlement or the extremely grim outlook regarding the presidential election—the financial and social anxieties have overshadowed the entire internal scene due to the rise in suffocating living and social crises. Officials involved in presidential, governmental, and political maneuvers seem to have overlooked that the black market dollar has again surged in recent days, breaking through fiery thresholds and setting new record figures exceeding 34,000 Lebanese pounds for a single dollar. This mockery of political tug-of-wars leaves no room for the concerns of those in power despite the media cover that veils the Lebanese people, misleading them into believing that their leaders are working towards containing crises and finding possible solutions.

Despite this "maneuvering" atmosphere in politics, recent hours did not bring any confirmation of optimism among the hopeful regarding the possibility of moving forward with the formation of a new government or reviving the caretaker government. No practical indicators emerged following the meeting that broke the deadlock between President Michel Aoun and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati at Baabda Palace two days ago, as they did not advance into a joint serious effort between the two presidents toward forming a new government. While expectations circulated regarding a second meeting yesterday between Aoun and Mikati to continue discussing the governmental file, this meeting did not occur. Reports indicated that Mikati would visit Baabda today. The fate of the responses that Mikati allegedly awaits from Aoun remains pending, waiting for what the upcoming hours might bring. Some informed circles regarding ongoing communications in this regard spoke of the possibility of shaping some information related to rekindling discussion channels between Baabda and the Grand Serail within the next forty-eight hours.

It has been noted that the available information regarding the new movement indicates that Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati has shown surprising flexibility in his renewed approach to the formation of the government. After initially proposing a correction that mainly affected the Ministry of Energy in the lineup submitted to the president last June, he subsequently retracted and opted to amend two portfolios, namely the Ministry of Displaced and the Ministry of Economy, leaving Aoun the freedom of naming and choosing. According to this information, Mikati has thus cut off the accusations directed at him regarding procrastination in attempting to form a government, essentially tossing the ball back into Baabda's court as he awaits the President's response to his modified offer for the past two days.

Mikati aims to facilitate the formation process to restore the powers of an effective, influential government capable of filling any potential presidential vacuum after President Aoun's term ends. In the political-presidential scene, a development emerged with the "Free Patriotic Movement" continuing its campaign against the "Lebanese Forces," where the President of the "Free Patriotic Movement" and MP Gebran Bassil stated that "others are exercising their right to obstruct to prevent the arrival of someone who does not possess the specifications we proposed," emphasizing that "we are the guardians of rights and the republic against its demons." He added in a video on social media, "We are equal in hunger, but we must also be equal in rights."

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