
Draft of Final Document on the Table of Vienna Negotiations... with a Condition

Draft of Final Document on the Table of Vienna Negotiations... with a Condition

Today, Tuesday, the eighth round of negotiations regarding the Iranian nuclear agreement resumes in the Austrian capital, Vienna, after a break of about a week during which negotiators returned to their capitals to make "decisive" political decisions before returning to the negotiating table. The European Union and the Russian envoy, Mikhail Ulyanov, announced yesterday that the round will continue today.

Ulyanov considered that the negotiations have reached their final stage, which requires determination and earnest efforts from all participants to achieve the desired goal, namely the complete restoration of the nuclear agreement and the lifting of sanctions. In an interview with the Russian newspaper "Kommersant," he stated, "We are five minutes away from the finish line." He revealed that "a draft of the final document has been prepared", noting that there are several outstanding points that need further work. However, he reiterated that "the document is now on the table."

From the U.S. side, there is hope for reaching an agreement, "provided it is achieved swiftly." A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department stated, "There is a potential agreement that addresses the core concerns of all parties, but if it is not concluded in the coming weeks, the ongoing Iranian nuclear progress will make it impossible for us to return to the comprehensive action plan." The U.S. administration has repeatedly emphasized the issue of time and the necessity for hastening the revival of the nuclear agreement made in 2015, from which the previous administration under Donald Trump withdrew, especially since Tehran continues to develop its nuclear program, according to many observers and experts.

While Iran has placed the ball in the American court, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh stated yesterday that the proposals which "the United States will present today in Vienna will determine when we can reach an agreement." He added that his country's focus is on lifting the sanctions that impede the Iranian economy.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz viewed in an interview with the Washington Post yesterday that the talks have reached a "crucial moment." He said, "We have sent a clear message" to Iran that "the time has come to make decisions, not to procrastinate," expressing hope that "the Iranians will seize this opportunity."

It is worth mentioning that the negotiations, which involve China, France, Germany, Russia, Britain, Iran, and the United States, had stopped at the end of last month and negotiators returned to their capitals for consultations. However, they will resume today as negotiators in recent weeks indicated progress, with several pending issues and matters still remaining. The concerned parties have been negotiating in Vienna since last year with indirect U.S. participation, in an effort to reach an understanding, while Tehran insists on the full lifting of sanctions and providing assured guarantees. Meanwhile, Washington insists on the Iranian authorities returning to all their nuclear commitments, refusing to provide guarantees against future withdrawals by successive administrations from any agreement made with Iran, deeming it "illegal" under U.S. law.

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