The Phenomenon of the Sixth Sense

Scientists have discovered why some humans possess a sixth sense and can hear ghosts. Have you ever wondered if the faint noise you hear at night when you're alone is a ghost trying to communicate with you or merely a passing wind?

While most people spend their entire lives without encountering such supernatural forces, a new study has found that some individuals are more likely to "hear the voices of the dead" compared to others. Researchers from Durham University state that spiritual mediums or others who can hear ghostly voices are more likely to engage in immersive mental activities and hear strange sounds early in life compared to someone without what is known as a "sixth sense." The study's authors suggest that their findings unveil why some people insist they can hear the voices of deceased souls and ultimately develop spiritual beliefs. In fact, spirituality is a religious movement centered on the belief that the human spirit remains present among us after death, allowing these spirits to continue communicating with the living world. This religious movement has led to a modern increase in interest in spiritual mediums who claim to hear these voices and connect with the supernatural world. Notably, this differs from the common idea surrounding clairvoyants—those who see the future—and sensitives who perceive ectoplasmic ghostly presences.

During the new study, researchers conducted a survey involving 65 spiritual mediums from the National Union of Spiritualists and 143 ordinary individuals to examine this phenomenon. The sixth sense revealed that spiritualists have a strong connection to a psychological-physiological state known as "absorption," which can be linked to deep engagement in mental or imaginative activities or experiencing altered states of consciousness. Moreover, the study also found that spiritual mediums are likely to hear strange voices or whispers early in life. The researchers also compared participants' levels of hallucinations, personality aspects, and belief in the supernatural. The survey found that about 44.6% of spiritual participants reported hearing the dead daily, while 33.8% experienced communication with the supernatural realm within one day of the survey, with four out of five stating that these communication experiences are part of their normal daily life.

Regarding the nature of this communication, 65% of spiritual mediums claimed that spirits communicate with them "inside their heads." However, one in three spiritual mediums reported having ghostly experiences both inside and outside their heads. The average spiritual medium begins hearing voices at the age of 21. Compared to the general public, spiritual mediums score significantly higher on comprehension and intelligence tests, and they are less influenced by peer pressure. Some individuals' ability to hear strange voices may affect their personality, self-confidence, and mind. However, the study's authors found that spiritualists are less likely to be concerned about others' opinions or affected by peer pressure compared to others. In addition to resisting social pressures, spiritual mediums also express a desire to understand why they hear these voices and have a higher belief in the supernatural than most people. Lead researcher Dr. Adam Powell stated, "Our study results tell us a lot about the learning and longing displayed by many spiritual mediums, as the principles of spirituality seem to make sense for extraordinary childhood experiences, along with the recurring auditory phenomena they experience as practicing mediums. Nevertheless, all these experiences may stem from certain predispositions or early abilities rather than just a belief in the possibility of connecting with the supernatural if one tries hard enough."

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