
The Blurred Electoral Picture Awaits Sunday’s Polls...

The Blurred Electoral Picture Awaits Sunday’s Polls...

Before the country enters the electoral silence, and amidst the candidates and their electoral machinery busy completing preparations for the electoral Sunday, the reality on the ground appears to be entirely different from what many hope. The picture has become clear to the majority of Lebanese that the 2022 elections differ from previous ones, as Lebanon's fate and future are at stake. We either protect the country's sovereignty by supporting the sovereign lists or hand over the country to Iran through Hezbollah and its allies gaining parliamentary majority.

In light of this, attention is directed towards the Sunni arena, where the resistance team is trying to exploit the reality caused by the suspension of former Future Movement leader Saad Hariri's political involvement. Political sources following the situation pointed out through "Al-Anbaa" online that Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Deryan instructed mosque imams to include a call in the Friday sermon today for the Sunni community in Lebanon, particularly in Beirut, to participate in the elections and not boycott them, as this would allow Hezbollah and its allies to exploit the situation in their favor, thus seizing Lebanese decision-making and permanently aligning it with the Syrian-Iranian axis.

The sources described the elections in Beirut's first and second districts as shrouded in absolute ambiguity due to the multitude of competing lists, especially in the second district, highlighting the direct Syrian interference on the ground, and pressure on the Ahbash to vote for the list supported by Hezbollah. In Tripoli and the North, the scene does not differ much from Beirut, except that the response to the call for a boycott is much less than in Beirut.

On the other hand, "Democratic Meeting" sources warned through "Al-Anbaa" online about believing in rumors circulating on social media regarding certain details of the electoral process, urging reliance only on announcements from the Progressive Socialist Party and emphasizing the need to engage in the political battle through elections to establish the basic national line.

Charles Jabour, Head of Media and Communication at the Lebanese Forces Party, indicated to "Al-Anbaa" online that the "Forces" began preparing for the elections a year and a half ago when early elections were proposed, and they are now fully ready. “The elections will reflect the will of the Lebanese people; they have seen firsthand the shortcomings of this regime,” he said. He added, “We are now between two political projects: one aiming to distance Lebanon from its Arab surroundings and consider it an inseparable part of Iran, and another political project that desires a Lebanon that is a sovereign and independent state.” He noted that “the confrontation is now between Lebanon's 1943 experience and Lebanon under Syrian-Iranian occupation. The Lebanese must choose between remaining under failure or overthrowing the ruling class. What has happened has proven the correctness of what the Forces have long warned against. The other team reveals its true nature and practices contrary to its announcements, and the elections serve as a stage to overthrow the Christian line that covers the statelet, thus rectifying the Christian line and the church's constants.”

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