
# Secrets Amidst the Mysterious Atmosphere Surrounding Lebanon

# Secrets Amidst the Mysterious Atmosphere Surrounding Lebanon

The emerging problem with hospitals currently, which threatens serious repercussions, stems from "malice" within the board of the Social Security Administration, as some of its members have obstructed a decision to grant hospitals a financial advance to manage their affairs. The list of a prominent Beirut club president is nearing completion and will include a former MP from "the Islamic group." Despite the health minister announcing the availability of chronic disease medications starting Monday, ministry clients receive highly negative phone responses advising them not to call back for a month. Gas stations opened their doors to citizens yesterday, after most claimed on Saturday that they had no stock, noting that no ships had arrived in Lebanon in the previous two days. Following attacks on the Maronite Patriarchate and a wave of responses defending Bkerke and its leader, communication efforts have intensified to avoid continuing the "poetry show" and to refuse to be dragged into a deliberate campaign with known objectives.

In the Republic, senior officials from some Arab diplomatic missions are set to return to Beirut with the approach of a significant deadline. A senior official has insisted with certainty that no one can obstruct a sensitive deadline that the fate of the country hinges on. One minister confirmed his rejection of the government's approach concerning a proposal submitted to it.

In the Loyalty section, a team from the governor's office received advice from friendly countries to steer clear of proposals that do not fit the status of Christians at this stage! It is said in exclusive clubs that one team wishes to conduct elections for reasons aimed at revealing another team from its environment. Polls from various companies have indicated significant risks for the known head of a political movement winning any upcoming elections, even in the district he currently represents.

In the National Call, it has been reported that the body overseeing the elections has not commenced its work, has not published the decrees appointing the designated members, and has not secured logistical preparations for performing its duties, despite weeks having passed since the opening of nominations for parliamentary elections. Some concerned parties fear that the purpose behind the proposed law by the Strong Lebanon bloc to replace compensation for public institution employees with pensions could be a liquidation of workers' rights at Electricité du Liban in preparation for privatization.

Close sources to the Minister of Education stated that the issue of faculty appointments at the Lebanese University has been exaggerated, with the number in the file increasing from 730 professors to 1,700, which threatens the bankruptcy of the Lebanese University faculty solidarity fund if the file is approved, as the cost of social benefits for this number exceeds 4 million dollars annually.

Lastly, in the News section, despite the denial, activities on the financial platform had indeed been halted in most banks, which refrained from performing "cash" transactions. The adjustment to work mechanisms in a key sector will lead to an additional rise in prices.

In the Construction section, a major country's ambassador in Beirut stated that the biggest evidence he has for conducting the parliamentary elections on time is not the Western information about the insistence on holding them, nor the declaration of the key parties that they would not accept a postponement, but rather the fact that President Nabih Berri submitted his candidacy request is enough evidence that the elections will take place. President Putin is quoted as saying regarding the war in Ukraine, "The Americans saw our sources of strength in Syria and tried to imitate them to wage a winning war, while we identified their weaknesses and laid out the necessary plans to make their war a losing one."

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