
Title: Deputy Renounces His Commitment

Title: Deputy Renounces His Commitment

A statement was issued by elected deputy Iyad Matar: "After the videos I received of elected deputy Firas Saloum, with whom we fought an electoral battle under the 'True Change' list alongside dear fellow reformists, independents, and candidates from the 'Islamic Group,' I want to express that I am shocked by the slogans accompanying Firas Saloum's celebrations of winning the parliamentary seat for Tripoli, which do not resemble our list or what was agreed upon. Consequently, I clarify the following:

First: Despite my congratulating Saloum on winning the parliamentary seat due to this hybrid electoral law, I express my dissatisfaction with the positions that accompanied the celebration, contradicting everything we agreed upon, especially since he concealed this political affiliation that Tripoli rejects and does not represent it, while the blood of the martyrs of piety and peace still awaits the delivery of the criminals. We had hoped that Saloum would adhere to the program agreed upon under the 'True Change' list before he renounced his pledge, a program that unequivocally rejects illegal weapons and affirms Lebanon's Arab identity and affiliation in accordance with the preamble of its constitution and the National Accord Document, which emphasizes the necessity for Lebanon to commit to international resolutions and Arab legitimacy.

Second: I, Iyad Matar, urge deputy Saloum to place the interests of Tripoli above all political interests. These slogans will not stop the boats of death nor restore Tripoli on the economic map, and if not, then resignation is the best reconciliation with the Tripolitans who brought him to the parliamentary seat with their votes and, without them, he would not have reached this position.

Third: I reiterate that I do not belong to any political, partisan, or organizational group, and all attempts to associate my name with 'close associates' or others are merely a personal attack against me and the revolution and change. I belong to one group only: Lebanon of change."

Note: The accompanying photo is of deputy Saloum.

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