
Berri Secures 58 Votes for the Presidency with Melhem Khalaf as Vice Presidential Candidate

Berri Secures 58 Votes for the Presidency with Melhem Khalaf as Vice Presidential Candidate

As the parliamentary term begins, with just over a week remaining in the regular first session, based on Article 32 of the Constitution, which states that the parliament convenes every year in two regular sessions, the first session starts on the Tuesday following March 15 and continues until the end of May, unless the government's resignation leads to an extraordinary parliamentary session until a new government is formed and gains confidence (Article 69 of the Constitution). Preparations are underway for the election of the president and vice president for the term of the council, each separately and by secret ballot, requiring an absolute majority of the votes cast. The result is confirmed in a third round of voting based on a relative majority. If votes are equal, the older candidate is deemed elected (Article 99 of the Constitution). There have been no direct communications, although there are indications that the vice president may form an understanding regarding the election of the president, such as the Free Patriotic Movement potentially nominating Orthodox MP Elias Bou Saab for this position, or reaching an agreement with the Lebanese Forces on the candidacy of elected MP Ghassan Hasbani. Among the candidates for this position is the elected MP from Beirut, Melhem Khalaf. Notably, Speaker Nabih Berri is making efforts to engage civil society to gain support for this nomination.

According to "Al-Liwaa," regardless of the circumstances, Speaker Nabih Berri, in a straightforward voting process for his presidency if conducted according to constitutional texts, will receive the following minimal votes: - The Shiite duo (31 votes) - Independent figures (6 votes) - The Tashnag Party (3 votes) - The Democratic Gathering MPs (9 votes) - Former Future MPs (3 votes) - MP Hassan Mourad, a Marada MP, a Projects MP, and potentially the Islamic Group, totaling at least 58 votes, if the Free Patriotic Movement abstains or allows its MPs to vote freely, which would increase the number of supporters for him. It is worth noting that Berri was elected in 2018 with 98 votes for a sixth term as Speaker.

Despite various opinions, informed political sources clarified to "Al-Liwaa" that the results of the parliamentary elections still require assessment and examination of their implications. They indicated that the coalitions within the parliament are expected to crystallize further, with the first step being the election of a new Speaker of Parliament. It was confirmed that other constitutional steps will follow the election phase and distribution of parliamentary blocs, including the change bloc, and it is not yet known whether independent MPs will emerge from it or not.

Sources noted that immediately following the announcement of the official results of the parliamentary elections, continuous communication began among groups of change MPs and independents with some parties and sovereign forces to consult and exchange views regarding the establishment of a continuous mechanism for communication and coordination between these forces, aiming to create a nucleus for a parliamentary political alliance to work together in the next phase and present a unified position on upcoming challenges, particularly the elections for the Speaker of Parliament, formation of a new government, and the election of a new president in the upcoming fall.

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