
# Aoun Issues Warning to Lebanese: Beware of This Lie

# Aoun Issues Warning to Lebanese: Beware of This Lie

President Michel Aoun urged the Lebanese people, on the eve of parliamentary elections, to rebel against the electoral financial barriers and "to be free, behind the barrier for a few minutes, so you can win your country and live in it freely and with dignity for the rest of your lives." He stated that "the revolution of the ballot box is the cleanest and most truthful revolution," saying, "Rebel against anyone who considers you just a commodity! Rebel against political extortion! Rebel against moral degradation and the loss of values! Rebel against being subservient to foreign powers! Rebel against those who stole your money and deposits! Rebel against those who have hindered, and still hinder, every step that could protect what remains of your rights or expose the thieves! Rebel against those who incite and seek strife, and possibly civil war!"

President Aoun's remarks were made in a message directed to the Lebanese at 8 PM today, the night before the parliamentary elections, through various media platforms. He urged them to "participate in the elections en masse, express your opinions, and choose those you trust, who you find worthy of defending your rights."

He considered that "the moment of accountability has come, and the moment to determine choices. Accountability always happens in the ballot box," pointing out that "your responsibility today is great, so that the path to dismantling the compound corruption system that has controlled the country's joints for decades does not stop, and to hold the corrupt and thieves accountable."

Aoun reiterated, "Lebanon is looted, not broken, nor bankrupt," calling on the judiciary to do its job, "to name the corrupt and pursue them, some of whom have become known," so that "the situation in Lebanon can be rectified, and there is no more mutual accusations and blame." He emphasized that "I pointed out the way to know who stole, and I have said that forensic auditing is the way to start from here."

He addressed the Lebanese: "We have resources and energies that can rescue the economy and the country, so do not despair. If you manage to choose representatives who legislate and advance necessary rescue laws and seek to pass them to protect your rights, we will have a real opportunity."

He warned the youth in particular "of a new lie and a dangerous innovation, summarized by the notion that it is possible to eliminate one component of our society without affecting the stability and tranquility of the nation," considering that "all this thinking is strife and civil war. Lebanon cannot live except with all its components and all its children. Attempts at isolation have previously been tested, drowning Lebanon in a sea of blood and tears." He asked: "Is anyone prepared to have their children and grandchildren live in that same fear, that pain, and those tragedies?"

President Aoun called for "an end to hate speech, incitement slogans, and dreams of isolation," and also "to stop fabricating rumors and frightening citizens about each other."

He confirmed, "I am not Michel Aoun who spent his life fighting for the unity of Lebanon, its sovereignty over every inch of its land and sea, and was the first to present a national defense strategy. I will not allow today or any day for this sovereignty to be touched, sold on the black market, or become the subject of bargaining or trade." He reiterated that "the right of the Lebanese people is a priority, and our country can no longer bear the burdens of refugees and displaced persons. We reject all forms of integration and settlement," emphasizing that "no one can take my signature except for the safe return of refugees and displaced persons to their countries."

He urged the Lebanese, "to raise your voices against human and national traffickers. Close your doors to them and declare: Our conscience is not for sale! We are not for sale!" He reminded them, "He who buys you today at a cheap price will sell you tomorrow at a higher price."

He warned against suspicious funds being spent for dubious purposes, and urged them not to let those goals be achieved. "We have uncovered the corruption system, so we can rebuild the system and institutions, and it has cost us dearly, so do not allow it to thrive again!"

In closing, Aoun said: "You have a great opportunity, a chance to rebel against electoral money! Rebel against anyone who considers you just a commodity! Rebel against political extortion! Rebel against moral degradation and the loss of values! Rebel against being subservient to foreign powers! Rebel against those who stole your money and deposits! Rebel against those who have hindered, and still hinder, every step that could protect what remains of your rights or expose the thieves! Rebel against those who incite and seek strife and possibly civil war!

"The election revolution is the cleanest and the most honest, so do not sell it to anyone. Be free, behind the barrier for a few minutes, you will win your country and live in it freely, with dignity for the rest of your lives. Long live you, and long live Lebanon!"

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