
## Mohammad bin Salman's Roadmap to Rescue Lebanon

## Mohammad bin Salman's Roadmap to Rescue Lebanon

There is a truth that Lebanese people across all their currents, parties, and sects must acknowledge: the international roadmap that they can take to escape the hell and collapse they are currently experiencing is the roadmap established by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. This plan has received global approval, from Europe represented by French President Emmanuel Macron, to the United States through President Joe Biden, and concluding with the major Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf Cooperation Council states.

The roadmap laid out by Prince Mohammed bin Salman for Lebanon and the Lebanese is aimed at reconciliation, revitalizing Lebanon, and solidifying stability within it. This plan was not born out of the Arab-American summit in Jeddah or any other summit, but rather it has been solidified through three clear Arab and international statements, with the constant element being Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

A careful and unhurried observation leads to one conclusion: Lebanon today exists among three statements, all affirming a single roadmap, according to "Asas":

1. **Saudi-French Summit Statement**: Following Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Palace of Peace in Jeddah on December 4, 2021, Lebanon was clearly addressed in the joint statement which called for "the necessity of the Lebanese government to carry out comprehensive reforms, particularly adhering to the Taif Agreement which ensures national unity and civil peace in Lebanon, and that the reforms encompass the financial, energy sectors, anti-corruption efforts, and border monitoring."

2. **Gulf Statement**: After a tour by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Gulf Cooperation Council states issued a joint statement on June 22, 2022, addressing the Lebanese situation and including a call for "the necessity of restricting weapons to the institutions of the Lebanese state, and reaffirming support for Lebanon and the reforms that will enable it to overcome the crisis. Additionally, it emphasized the importance of continuing efforts to preserve Lebanon's Arab identity, security, and stability to ensure it does not become a launchpad for terrorist activities or a haven for organizations that destabilize the security and stability of the region or serve as a conduit for drug trafficking."

3. **Jeddah Summit Statement**: Lebanon had a significant presence in the statement issued by the American-Arab summit hosted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on July 16, 2022, which stated: "Participants expressed their support for Lebanon's sovereignty, security, and stability, and all necessary reforms to achieve its economic recovery. They also noted the organization of parliamentary elections, empowered by the Lebanese army and internal security forces."

Regarding the upcoming presidential elections, the participants at the summit called on the various Lebanese parties to "respect the constitution and constitutional deadlines," and praised "the efforts of Lebanon's friends and partners to restore and enhance trust and cooperation between Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council states, and their support for the role of the Lebanese army and internal security forces in maintaining Lebanon’s security."

The statement stressed "the importance of the Lebanese government establishing control over all Lebanese territories, including the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions and the Taif Agreement, so that it can exercise its full sovereignty, with no weapons except by the approval of the Lebanese government, and no authority other than its own."

A careful reader of all the above can assert that the three statements contain a unified text concerning Lebanon that undoubtedly translates the Saudi vision for rescuing Lebanon and correcting the relationship of the Lebanese state with the Western and Arab worlds. Prior to these statements, there was the annual royal address before the Shura Council by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on December 30, 2021, which explicitly stated: "The Kingdom stands by the brotherly Lebanese people, urging all Lebanese leaders to prioritize the interests of their people and work towards achieving what the brotherly Lebanese people aspire for: security, stability, and prosperity, while stopping the hegemony of the terrorist Hezbollah over the state’s mechanisms."

Saudi Arabia, along with the beneficial world—excluding a part of this world that brings no benefit to anyone—does not impose a solution on Lebanon nor obligates it to anything, but rather offers it a roadmap to navigate towards safety and reassurance. It is not a Saudi roadmap; it is Mohammed bin Salman’s international roadmap to rescue Lebanon.

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