Title: Death of Irish Singer Sinead O'Connor

Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has passed away at the age of 56, after years of struggling with her mental health, and less than two years after the death of her son Shane, who took his own life at the age of 17. Her last tweet was about her son, where she expressed that she had been living as a "dead body" since his passing, stating he was the love of her life, the light of her heart, and that they were one soul in two bodies. She described him as the only person who loved her beyond limits and expressed feeling lost without him. The family of the late singer released a statement confirming her death, saying: "With great sadness, we announce the passing of our beloved Sinead O'Connor. Her family and friends are heartbroken and seek privacy during this extremely difficult time." Details surrounding her death or the causes have not yet been revealed.

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