
US Army Enhances Surveillance in the Middle East Amid Increasing Threats to Its Forces

US Army Enhances Surveillance in the Middle East Amid Increasing Threats to Its Forces

Officials indicated today, Tuesday, that "the US Army is taking new steps to protect its forces in the Middle East, amid growing concerns over attacks by Iran-backed groups," adding that "it is leaving the door open for the possibility of evacuating military families if necessary." In a conversation with Reuters, the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, stated that "the measures include increasing US military patrols, restricting access to the facilities housing troops, and enhancing intelligence gathering, including the use of drones and other surveillance operations." The officials noted that "the US Army is also strengthening surveillance from guard towers at military installations, enhancing security procedures at base access points, and intensifying operations to counter potential attacks using drones, missiles, and projectiles."

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