
Calls for a Sit-in on Monday... and Why?

Calls for a Sit-in on Monday... and Why?

The National Union of Workers and Employees has called on all workers, employees, teachers, military personnel, retirees, and all civil society organizations to gather in the streets and hold a sit-in in front of the Parliament at 4 PM next Monday, "to confront and overthrow the destructive monetary policy that undermines the economic structure of society and the policy of impoverishing people and starving them to force them into submission to the will of moneyed interests and the corrupted power structure."

In a statement, they condemned the "serious developments in the economic and social conditions, the insane rises in the dollar without oversight, along with the accompanying strike by the Banks Association, the serious decline in the value of the national currency, the outrageous increases in fuel, food, medicine, healthcare, electricity prices, the lack of public services, dollarization policies, and the exacerbation of the depositors' crisis, which has turned 98% of people into impoverished individuals living below the poverty line, unable even to secure a loaf of bread."

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