
Title: Borrell: Several Countries No Longer Play by the Rules that Previously Governed the World

Title: Borrell: Several Countries No Longer Play by the Rules that Previously Governed the World

European Union Foreign Minister Josep Borrell stated that the rules that have governed the world in recent years are gradually disappearing from the scene, and many countries are searching for alternatives to the Western model, according to TASS. He added: "We are indeed living in an increasingly multipolar world, but multilateralism is in decline. This is a paradox. When the number of participants in a game increases, the natural reaction should be to tighten the rules governing the game. However, we are witnessing the opposite trend: the rules governing the world are beginning to lose their power."

He emphasized that "countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are now looking for reliable alternatives to the West, not only economically but also technologically, militarily, and ideologically." He stated: "This does not necessarily mean that a new global model is beginning to emerge with the rise of China. Nor does it mean that China will try to persuade other countries to adopt its model in all aspects. Most likely, countries are seeking alternatives to the Western model on a case-by-case basis, as is currently happening in various African countries. These countries seem willing to work with any player that appears capable of replacing the old players."

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