
Minister of Agriculture: We Will Plant 40,000 Olive Trees as Part of a Real National Effort

Minister of Agriculture: We Will Plant 40,000 Olive Trees as Part of a Real National Effort

The Minister of Environment in the caretaker government, Nasser Yassine, stated that "there are fires happening in Lebanon, even though we reduced their rate by 90% last year. We cannot talk about fires without mentioning the environmental destruction caused by the Israeli army, which relies on a scorched earth policy, destroying stones and trees, homes, and villages. We, as environmentalists, are very concerned about standing by our people in the south from national, humanitarian, environmental, and decent living perspectives, working to create national solidarity and an emergency plan, because what is being burned now will be replanted."

During his sponsorship of the third environmental conference on youth leadership in facing climate challenges, he announced that "we will plant 40,000 olive trees and dozens of hectares of forest trees as part of a genuine national effort alongside our people."

Yassine confirmed that "the issue of climate change is serious, and by 2040, there will be changes in the quality of crops, water, fires, droughts, and floods. We cannot deal with this lightly, as there are fundamental changes in the Earth's temperature that will affect the poorest areas, far from the capital in Akkar, Baalbek-Hermel. We are working within a plan in collaboration with associations, youth, and civil defense through educational workshops as part of a strategy to adapt to climate change."

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