
In recent hours, a video has circulated depicting how Iran would respond to Israel's strike on its consulate in the capital, Damascus, last Monday. The pro-security channel "Chirak Media" shared a clip on its Telegram account, visualizing a scenario of an Iranian attack on Israel. The video features a military leader anxiously monitoring screens in a control room, seemingly preparing a missile. After moments of anxiety and consultation with his assistant, in a scene reminiscent of a dramatization, he decides to give the order to launch it.

The missile in question is the "Kasar Kheibar," an Iranian-made long-range ballistic missile powered by solid fuel. It has a range of 1,450 kilometers and is capable of maneuvering during its descent to penetrate armor and missile defense systems, according to the "Iran in Arabic" channel. Its speed ranges from 7 to 9 Mach, and it is equipped with advanced wings that enhance its maneuverability and precision guidance, while also increasing its speed and reducing the fuel consumed to reach its target.

Iran has repeatedly vowed in recent days that retaliation for Israel's strike on its consulate in Syria is inevitable, threatening a painful response.

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