
Important Information to Know Before Taking Supplements

Important Information to Know Before Taking Supplements

Boosting immunity, fighting influenza, losing weight, and slowing down aging... The demand for dietary supplements continues to rise globally, aiming to achieve health, fitness, and beauty goals. But what should be known before taking these supplements?

Vitamins are renowned for their ability to combat various seasonal diseases, but this is not the only reason to obtain them. In fact, they are crucial for the body as they ensure the proper functioning of cells and participate in numerous other biological functions. Since the body cannot produce them on its own, except for vitamins D and K, it is necessary to seek out their key natural food sources to avoid deficiencies.

There are many factors responsible for vitamin deficiencies, such as pregnancy, poor diet, taking certain medications, and stress, which can lead to negative effects including severe fatigue, difficulty seeing at night, lack of concentration, skin and mucous membrane lesions, and frequent infections. When such symptoms arise, it is essential to identify the source of the deficiency. In this case, experts always recommend achieving a balanced and varied diet to attain the required daily dose of vitamins. However, many people may start purchasing and taking vitamin supplements randomly, unaware that they are not without risks.

To raise awareness on this topic, especially during "COVID" and flu season, experts have recently revealed a set of important information to know before incorporating any type of dietary supplements into one's daily routine:

- **Supplements Are Not a Substitute for Food**: Many people forget that dietary supplements are meant to complement food, not replace it. Their purpose is to support a healthy, varied, and balanced diet, especially since they cannot fully ensure nutritional roles.

- **Their Impact on Dementia**: Many studies have successfully proven a positive link between slowing cognitive decline or dementia and taking dietary vitamin supplements. However, scientists are still working to understand the potential effects of these supplements on memory and brain functions. A larger study is currently being planned with a diverse group of participants to confirm initial findings and better understand how dietary supplements can provide protection against cognitive decline.

- **... And Also on Bone Health**: A large study conducted in the United States claimed that a daily dose of vitamin D supplements was not sufficient to reduce the risk of bone fractures. However, this contradicts other scientific claims that have linked vitamin supplements to improved bone health.

- **Their Role During Pregnancy**: According to health organizations, women of childbearing age should take vitamin supplements, especially those rich in folic acid, which enhances metabolic performance and helps in cell growth.

- **Their Importance for Specific Groups**: In reality, some people indeed need vitamin supplements due to stomach disorders or biological imbalances that cause them to lack essential nutrients.

- **Their Relationship with Cancer**: While some experts have revealed that vitamin supplements can lower the risk of developing cancer or heart diseases, others claim that there is not yet sufficient evidence to include these pills on the list of preventive measures.

- **Some Can Be Harmful!**: Caution is warranted when undergoing treatment with vitamin supplements, highlighting the need to visit a doctor for appropriate advice. For example, cancer patients should not take vitamin C during chemotherapy, as it may reduce the treatment's effectiveness.

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