The Russian Telegram channel "Militarist" has published a first photograph of an unmanned, self-propelled robotic cannon. This cannon was unveiled and its specifications highlighted at the "Army - 2024" international military-technical forum, which opened on August 12. The unmanned robotic cannon is based on a tracked platform, equipped with a 30mm howitzer of the "D-30" model, which is actively used in the special military operation. It is noted that a 122mm howitzer is also used outside of Russia, mounted on various types of tracked platforms, including the chassis of the old "T-55" tank and wheeled platforms such as the "Ural-4320" and its foreign counterparts.

It is known that the classic "D-30" has a firing rate of at least 8 rounds per minute. It was produced from 1960 to 1989, with a total of 3,000 cannons made. It weighs 3,150 kg, has a barrel length of 4,460 mm, a speed of 80 km/h, an operational range of 15,300 meters, direct fire range of 850 meters, a horizontal firing angle of 360 degrees, and a crew of 8 individuals. In the unmanned robotic cannon, the loading process is automated.

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