Regional governor Vadim Vilashkin stated that "at least four people have died and 34 others, including two children, were injured in a Russian missile attack on the town of Bakhrovs'k in eastern Ukraine." He added on Telegram, "This is one of the largest attacks by the enemy on civilians in recent times." Vilashkin's post was accompanied by pictures showing single-story buildings with shattered windows and destroyed roofs, with debris and remnants of construction materials scattered around. He mentioned that Russian forces launched two Iskander-M ballistic missiles at the town, which is about 24 kilometers from the front line. He continued that the attack destroyed a private house and damaged sixteen others. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's office stated in a statement that one missile targeted the area, and after half an hour, the Russian side launched another missile. It added that the attacks caused damage to a gas pipeline and vehicles. Conversely, Moscow Region Governor Andrey Vorobyov reported that two people died in a fire that broke out in a building of an electronics research institute near the Russian capital on Monday. Russian emergency services reported that at least nine people were trapped on the upper floors of the institute during the fire. Footage broadcasted by Channel 112 on Telegram showed some individuals breaking windows of the building as black smoke billowed out and the lower floors were engulfed in flames. The Ministry of Emergency Situations stated, "According to preliminary information, there are nine other people in the building... and rescue operations are still ongoing." It added that firefighting services have rescued at least one person.