
Bukhari: Election Results are Honorary and All Symbols of Betrayal have Fallen

Bukhari: Election Results are Honorary and All Symbols of Betrayal have Fallen

Saudi Ambassador Walid Bukhari commemorated the martyrdom of Mufti Hassan Khaled, stating: "We remember a figure among the scholars of religion and thought, the Mufti of unity, national partnership, sovereignty, independence, and loyalty to the greats, which compels us to follow in their footsteps." Bukhari mentioned that "the assassination of Mufti Hassan Khaled was a precursor to the assassination of all of Lebanon, which is experiencing difficult times on all levels, primarily concerning its Arab identity and its relationship with its Arab surroundings." He considered that "the results of the parliamentary elections are honorable, and all symbols of betrayal, treachery, and the crafting of death and hatred have fallen."

For his part, Interior Minister in the caretaker government Bassam Mawlawi confirmed to MTV from the Saudi ambassador's residence that "there is no rift between Lebanon and the Kingdom of Good, and Lebanese people are faithful. On the anniversary of the martyr Mufti Hassan Khaled, a man of bold positions, we ask God for relief for Lebanon and that the Lebanese may remain steadfast in their positions like his."

In turn, MP Imad Al-Hout emphasized to MTV that "Lebanon's belonging is Arab in feeling and in the constitution, and the results of the elections have proven that those with an Arab affiliation have asserted their presence and existence, and we will continue the journey from this standpoint."

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