
Title: Miqati Sees Return of Gulf Ambassadors as Prelude to Full Restoration of Relations

Title: Miqati Sees Return of Gulf Ambassadors as Prelude to Full Restoration of Relations

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah confirmed that Gulf countries are looking forward to the stability and security of beloved Lebanon and its recovery. Meanwhile, the Saudi ambassador to Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, praised the Prime Minister’s efforts to protect Lebanon during this difficult time and to restore Lebanese-Saudi relations to normal, according to a statement from the Lebanese government.

The government statement noted that President Najib Miqati received a call from Ambassador Bukhari, who returned to Beirut and congratulated him on the occasion of Ramadan, inviting him to an iftar ceremony at the embassy. The statement indicated that Ambassador Bukhari emphasized the Prime Minister's efforts to protect Lebanon and to restore normal Lebanese-Saudi relations. The call was also an opportunity to confirm the depth of Arab relations with Lebanon and Miqati’s appreciation for the Gulf and particularly Saudi steps in returning ambassadors to Lebanon as a precursor to fully restoring these relations.

Additionally, the government said Miqati received a call from Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah, during which they discussed the Lebanese situation and relations between Lebanon and the Gulf countries in light of the recent positive developments. During the call, the Kuwaiti foreign minister stated, "Gulf countries are looking forward to the stability and security of beloved Lebanon and its recovery." He stressed that the ties between Kuwait and Lebanon, in particular, are very strong and are growing stronger every day. He affirmed that "Kuwait will spare no effort to support Lebanon and help it to rise again."

Sheikh Al-Sabah noted that "the Lebanese Prime Minister's determination to restore the health of Lebanese-Gulf relations and his persistence in clearing the issues affecting them is commendable and reflects a strong belief in Lebanon's Arab depth."

In return, Miqati renewed his gratitude to Kuwait, its Emir, and the government for their constant support for Lebanon and their efforts to restore the clarity and vitality of Lebanese-Gulf relations. He stated, "All Lebanese appreciate these efforts, which will always remain a bright spot in the history of Lebanon-Kuwait relations."

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