
Aoun to the United Nations, No Signs of Government Breakthrough

Aoun to the United Nations, No Signs of Government Breakthrough

Lebanon's Prime Minister Najib Mikati hopes to finalize the maritime border demarcation between Lebanon and Israel before the end of President Michel Aoun's term. There is no truth to claims that the government is unwilling to reach the anticipated oil agreement and conclude the maritime border issue with Israel, as reported by "An-Nahar". The report adds that, concerning the government formation, Mikati has conveyed that there are chances for the formation of a government, but he wishes a president would be elected soon, within the constitutional timeframe, to avoid any vacuum, stating he would not be pleased with merely taking on the powers of the presidency as a caretaker government.

Informed political sources told "Al-Liwaa" that there are no signs of a breakthrough in government formation, and statements from MP Gibran Bassil have stalled any efforts for formation. The sources noted that there are no positive expectations regarding several issues from the presidency to the government, but they observed that this does not mean the demarcation file would yield a negative outcome, emphasizing that everything depends on the information provided.

They clarified that, with upcoming deadlines approaching, there could be an increase in political tensions among all parties involved. "An-Nahar" wrote that the sharp conflicts within the authority would not be limited to the rising disputes between Baabda and the Grand Serail concerning the "eligibility, legality, and constitutionality" of the caretaker government's authority in fully assuming presidential powers should a vacancy occur at the end of President Michel Aoun's term. Furthermore, the current presidency will leave no avenue or step unturned to block Prime Minister Mikati from taking any action beyond the limitations of the caretaker government.

In this context, some concerned circles included reports about President Aoun reconsidering his decision not to travel to New York to represent Lebanon at the opening of the UN's regular session, particularly to prevent Mikati from attending. It is noted that Aoun's participation seems peculiar just before the end of his term. A formal source announced yesterday to "Sputnik" that "President Michel Aoun will attend the UN General Assembly in New York on September 20." The source clarified that "Aoun made this decision after previously informing the caretaker government that he would not attend," indicating that "a Lebanese official delegation has left Beirut en route to New York to prepare for Aoun's visit."

"Ad-Diyar" wrote that if matters remain on their current course, the government announcement could occur in early October, with Speaker Nabih Berri scheduling the first session for the presidential election between October 5 and 10, while the budget and agreements with the International Monetary Fund will likely be resolved between September 10 and early October. However, this scenario could suddenly collapse amid the widespread disagreements among the parties.

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