
Secrets of Beirut This Morning

Secrets of Beirut This Morning

This morning, it was revealed that the brother of a former minister's wife, who held a sovereign position, employed them with high salaries without them ever coming to the ministry. When the government requested a declaration of financial assets and properties from every employee as mandated in the 2019 budget, they both submitted their resignations. Not only that, but they also received compensation at the request of their brother-in-law.

A prominent political figure is seeking to create a balance related to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, due to his historical relations with both, and the huge number of graduates from his party in both warring capitals.

Judge Ghada Aoun refused the absence of a banking official before her, claiming that his residence abroad necessitated his presence in the bank; thus, there is no escape from appearing before the investigating judge, and this is what happened.

An official figure considered that Lebanon's interests with a major country currently at the forefront of events represent only one percent of its interests with its adversaries.

It was noted that some banks have started imposing charges on every transaction offered to customers, whereas such transactions were previously carried out for free.

An international report indicated that drug addiction in Lebanon has increased significantly, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis.

There has been a complete rupture in the relationship between a major country and a prominent figure and his bloc before the recent statement regarding the official stance on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Preparations are underway for a significant jump in the exchange rate of the dollar, waiting for the right timing, possibly in the week following the retreat of the low atmospheric pressure system.

A prominent party has informed that it is distancing itself from nominations and voting in the capital, confining its alliances to "Amel" Movement and the Free Patriotic Movement.

Observers have noted that Hezbollah's concern is focused on securing a bloc for the Free Patriotic Movement larger than that of the Forces Party, and it wants to mobilize its allies in this battle.

The news about the explosion of an Israeli commando destroying a drone storage facility belonging to Hezbollah, which the party denied, was linked by observers to a series of mysterious explosions that occurred in some areas of the eastern mountain range, one of which was in the outskirts of Janta, and to the arrest of one of the party's officials based on the fact that this official discovered the role he played following these operations.

The launch of the drone over Palestinian territories confirmed to Israel that Hezbollah continues its drone operations, and that this operation failed.

It was noted that the Communist Party's general conference and the renewal of its Secretary-General Hanna Gharib did not receive attention, and observers deemed this normal given the party’s diminishing role.

Comments from one of the MPs did not yield any new information regarding serious questions about reality, and he limited himself to traditional answers.

Nominations presented by a responsible and active party official received discouraging feedback in circles close to him.

A security source stated that the impacts of the Ukrainian war will soon surface in Lebanon, either through astonishing increases in the prices of oil derivatives, household gas, and food products, politically by showcasing festivals and activities of solidarity conflicting with both Russia and Ukraine, aimed at energizing the supporters of March 8 and March 14 prior to the elections.

Sources in Vienna revealed that 99% of the content of the understanding document discussions have concluded, and what remains will be decided by the attendance of foreign ministers. It was stated that the hope for Iran's return to the oil market and the lifting of sanctions has encouraged the West and Russia; the West is aiming for oil while Russia seeks to bypass sanctions.

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